Friday, May 3, 2013

Every story is a clichéd story

>4:24 am
>tired out of my effing mind
>studying for a final
>I've already taken the class before
>last time i failed because I was dating a guy

He cheated on me. With my best friend. 

I don't think there could be anything less clichéd about it. Besides, the details are gruesome and gory and irrelevant to anyone else but me. Maybe that's what makes stories "like mine" so sad: they are completely useless to anyone else in the end. No one else suffers or ever will suffer for the consequences. No matter how many tears you shed, no one will understand soley from your experience that when a heart breaks, you can literally feel it. I don't think there's a raw emotion as crying 70% of your water weight, as being so incredibly pathetic in hindsight, but being able to do nothing else. 

Listen, I'm fine, I promise. But there are moments that I'm just not, and I wish that it wasn't that way. I wish that I'd gotten to move on rather than him. But it's ok, right? For now, I'm going to pretend that it is. 

I'm still scared of moving on, but more so that I never will. 

>4:37 am
>still tired out of my effing mind
>still have a final
>i'm probably going to fail this class again

i'm a fucking mess, what's new. 
damn, i love that this place is anonymous.